What do I do if I receive an incorrect item/order?Updated 5 months ago
We're sorry if you've received an incorrect item or order. To get this sorted out promptly, please follow the steps below:
- Emails us immediately to notify us of the issue and please provide us with your Order Number, the item you did not receive, and the name of the item you received in its place.
- Additionally, could you please attach a photo of the item(s) you received that are incorrect? This will help us resolve the issue more quickly.
We kindly ask that you contact us within 30 days of your purchase date to let us know about the incorrect item or order. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us resolve this for you.
Contact Details:
Australia Customer Support: [email protected]
New Zealand Customer Support: [email protected]
USA Customer Support: [email protected]
UK Customer Support: [email protected]
Europe Customer Support: [email protected]